HSM Cooked Meats

Roast Honey Baked Ham 2.9kg

Delivery information

- Please specify delivery instructions (date, time and name of person to pick up, contact number and email)

- May order online and pick up @ High Street Market in person

Taekbae Standard Delivery :

- Orders can NOT be scheduled to Arrive on any Saturday, Sunday and Monday . Delays or unforeseen circumstances may cause the delivery to arrive on a Monday for an order sent out on a Friday. To ensure receiving order on the weekend, a request FRIDAY arrival date for the order.

Quick Service :

Quick Service available in Seoul  (please mail to charlie.lim@authenticgroup.co.kr for quote for other areas)

- Delivery times may vary between +/- 1 hour from requested time; please keep this in mind!

High Street Market Now Provides you with Meals cooked all year Round. Whether it's a Family get Together So, a party with friends, a work thing, or you're Just TOO lazy to Cook a Whole meal for One night Update (Plus leftovers), high Street has you covered.

* Full Payment up front is the ONLY way to guarantee your order and Reserve! Without that there is No guarantee of your order being Fulfilled

Cooked Meat Information:

Indicated All weights are raw weights before starting Cooking; meats Naturally Lose Weight after Cooking

- All meats are vacuum sealed and chilled to maintain freshness before being picked up or delivered

- Reheat instructions: Take out of Packaging, PUT Oven in pan for 45 mins @ 150 degrees in celsius and Juicy Cover to keep (Depending on size of Extra Meat May require warm up time); Alternatively Meat Microwave heating is possible after cutting into pieces

- Cooked meats except Lamb (unless Requested) include the Natural juices from the Cooking Process to make Gravy

- A warming Option is Available for pick-up and ONLY Quick service at a Cost of W30,000 (We cannot guarantee warmth IF Location is far, and we are Limited to One warm-up Every 2 hours so Quickly Reserve IF you require this service)

- A carving Option is Also Available for a Cost of W20,000